About North Shore Myofascial Physical Therapy

Our quality standard is to treat only 2 patients per hour and provide 20-25 minutes of “hands on” manual therapy each and every treatment session. We are an orthopedic manual therapy practice that specializes in the John Barnes method of Myofascial Release as well as joint mobilization (Maitland), nerve root mobilization (Butler), soft tissue mobilization and core training/work hardening (JTech Medical). We also utilize other manual therapy techniques to help restore patients, with almost any diagnosis, to the functional level they enjoyed before they were injured.

Please don’t be fooled by the term “myofascial release”. It is a very intense and involved structural technique that absolutely works. The body is wholly composed of fascia and this important point has been proven and discussed in many research studies. It is truly the missing link. Utilizing this technique, immense progress can be made with all diagnoses and post- surgical cases to restore significant range of motion and muscle strength.

All joint replacements
Neck pain
Back pain
Hip resurfacing
Spinal surgeries including spinal fusions and laminectomie
Chronic pain
RA (rheumatoid arthritis)
OA (osteoarthritis)
Peripheral Neuropathies
Pregnancy back pain
Joint dislocations and instabilities
Gait and Balance Disorders
MS (multiple sclerosis)
Scoliosis [to improve posture and decrease pain]
Osteoporosis (to decreased fracture risk)
ACL repairs and meniscal/ligament repairs
MCL sprains and meniscectomies
Ankle injuries of all kinds
Knee and hip injuries
Muscle strains/pulls and overall lack of flexibility
All shoulder/wrist/hand surgeries

Whether the patient is a police officer, fireman, athlete, dancer, senior citizen, baby boomer, weekend warrior, musician, sanitation worker, electrician, office worker, young, elderly or just a sedentary person they can fully benefit from Myofascial Release.


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NSMPT Myofascial Release Research Bibliographies